Welcome to PolyGlot

From desktop documentation

Welcome to PolyGlot, an open source tool set that helps to build constructed languages! PolyGlot is a project that I have been working on for some time, and it continues to become more stable and capable with each release. If you have ideas, find bugs, or have any comments at all, please feel free to email me at draquemail@gmail.com or post them on PolyGlot's issues page!

Draque Thompson

PolyGlot heavily uses regexes, the site regex101.com is recommended.

Android version

By pe1uca

As the creator of PolyGlot says, this tool set will help you build your own constructed languages.
Being an open source project I took the initiative to port this great application to Android.

With PolyGlot for desktop already having a great number of tools, and the Android version being relatively new, there is a lot of functionality that is still being ported.

This version can be downloaded from the github releases page or directly from the Google play store

You can find the source code in github where you can report issues or suggestions.
You can also contact me at pe1ucadev@gmail.com or on reddit.